Igitur qui desiderat pacern, praeparet bellum   


I am a  qualified and experienced Executive Protection Officer and Remote Medicine Intermediate Life Support Paramedic (UK IHCD Ambulance Technician - pending 750 ambulance hours) I provide a complete packaged service which is tailored to each individual client.

This service starts with a threat analysis to evaluate the risk to the client, as well as the size of detail required.

A service that is not limited to the UK.

Any contract length will be considered.

The client can be safe in the knowledge that any additional members required are RONIN qualified personnel or personnel of the same calibre.

All additional members of the security detail are licensed by the security industry authority.



To create & maintain a sterile zone around the Principle/s

To ensure no loss or damage occurs to Principle's property

To project the desired image required by the Principle/s

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